Inspections tutorial

This article explains the methods for checking and assessing damage to Drivfit vehicles, detailing what is considered acceptable or not in vehicle parts and the procedures for Delivery (Check-out) and Collection (Check-in) Inspections.


The use of a vehicle involves natural and inevitable wear and tear. Some damages result from the normal and prudent use of the car, which are considered acceptable. However, damages resulting from improper use are the customer's responsibility and will incur additional costs.

1. Inspections

Inspections, conducted at the facilities of our national partners, referred to by Drivfit as “Agents”, are thorough and comprehensive. These assessments are crucial to ensure not only the safety and integrity of our vehicles, but also their aesthetic condition, including cleanliness and visual conservation of the parts.


1.1. Vehicle Delivery Inspection (Check-out)

After confirmation of the reservation by the Drivfit team, the vehicle collection process begins at the Agent's location. This initial inspection, known as Check-out inspection, is essential to ensure that the vehicle is in suitable condition to be delivered to the customer.

  1. The Customer will receive an email from the Drivfit team, confirming the date and time of their reservation;
  2. The Customer must arrive at the Agent 15 minutes before the scheduled time and go to reception, confirming that they will collect a Drivfit vehicle;
  3. Agent confirms the designated driver's NIF;
  4. The agent places his and the Customer's identification data in the inspection application;
  5. The Customer accompanies the Agent to the vehicle, and the Agent begins the Inspection;
  6. The Agent begins to check the existing damage to the vehicle, starting from the left front door (driver's door), going around the vehicle in a counterclockwise direction;
  7. In the final stretch of the inspection, the Agent records the general condition of the vehicle, with generic photographs of it;
  8. Once the Inspection is complete and after validation, the Customer must sign it, on the device with the application for this purpose;
  9. The Agent delivers the keys and documentation of the vehicle in question to the Customer;

After this moment, the Customer will receive the following information in the email:

  • initial Inspection report (check-out);
  • documentation for submission on TVDE platforms;
  • car rental contract;


The Customer will have the possibility to communicate to us, within 24 hours, any damages that have not been raised by our agent at check-out. This communication is made through a form that is sent by email, together with the inspection report carried out. 

1.2. Vehicle collection inspection (check-in)

The vehicle collection process begins after confirmation of the return by the Drivfit team. It is essential to inspect the vehicle that the customer intends to return at our Agent's premises. This final inspection, called Check-in Inspection, follows the following steps:

  1. The Customer will receive an email from the Drivfit team, confirming the date and time of their return;
  2. The Customer must arrive at the Agent 15 minutes before the scheduled time and go to reception, confirming that they will return a Drivfit vehicle;
  3. Agent confirms the designated driver's NIF;
  4. The Agent places his and the Customer's identification data in the inspection application;
  5. The Customer accompanies the Agent to the vehicle, and the Agent begins the Inspection
  6. The Agent begins checking the existing damage to the vehicle, starting from the left front door (driver's door), going around the vehicle in a counterclockwise direction;
  7. In the final stretch of the Inspection, the Agent records the general condition of the vehicle, with generic photographs of it;
  8. Once the Inspection is complete and after validation, the Customer must sign it, on the device with the application for this purpose;
  9. The Agent confirms to the Customer the return of the vehicle;

After this moment, the Customer will receive the following information in their email:

  • final Inspection Report (check-in) and Initial Inspection Report (check-out)
  • closing the car rental contract


The Customer will have the possibility to communicate to us, within 5 working days, any damages that, if found, may not be in compliance. This communication is made through a form sent by email, together with the reports of these inspections carried out.

The Customer must deliver the vehicle with:

  • Original documents, DUA or DAV (if applicable);
  • Vehicle manual;
  • Original Mandatory Periodic Inspection Certificate (IPO);
  • Minimum state of cleanliness to carry out the inspection;
  • Deflector vest and all emergency equipment supplied with the vehicle (jack, wheel wrench, emergency triangle, etc.);
  • The original wheel covers/rims;
  • The tire inflation kit must be in good working order (consisting of a sealant and a 12v compressor that can be connected to the vehicle's cigarette lighter);

We suggest that the Customer remove any objects and/or personal belongings from the vehicle, with Drivfit not being liable in the event of their loss or loss.

1.3. Checking damage by the Agent

At each delivery (check-out) and return (check-in) of Drivfit vehicles, an inspection is carried out to check the vehicle's general condition. To do this, the Agent uses the WeProovGo application.

The Client must request verification of the document before signing, asking the inspector to show him the summary report.

The Customer's signature at the check-out inspection is mandatory. If you refuse to sign this document, delivery of the vehicle may be refused.

For a better analysis, the Agent may:

  • use your own rulers when taking a photo of the damage, as well as using LineBoard (reflective plates) to identify dents
  • take photographs from various angles and distance necessary to reveal the damage, its extent and location on the piece.
  • The Customer can find out more about our Table with Types and Prices of Damages by clicking here.

1.4. Tips for a good inspection

So that the Customer can carry out their own Inspection, we share some tips for this purpose. Therefore, we suggest that:

  • Look at each vehicle panel in profile (from the side), rather than straight on. Thus inspecting the vehicle from several different angles;
  • inspect all parts, not forgetting windshields, mirrors and the less obvious panels of a vehicle, such as the roof or below the bumper level, etc.;
  • be objective:
  • Inspect and evaluate your vehicle as objectively as possible;
  • Inspect the vehicle in natural light:
  • park the vehicle in a place with good natural light, during the day, avoiding shadows. This will help you detect any damage that could otherwise go unnoticed;
  • Inspect the vehicle when it is dry and clean:a wet and/or dirty car makes it more difficult to detect and record scratches, dents and other types of damage;